Saturday, January 5, 2013

One Lousy Box!

Trying to get through my bedroom to make sale-show ready, I noticed two boxes at the base of my bed that had been there for quite some time.  As I lifted the clothes that were piled on top of them I realized that they were two half-filled boxes that add up to one box that I had asked Michael to go through since before he had left.  There they still sit!  It set me off in my mind.  Satan began taking a stronghold of my thoughts and anger began to rise up in me.  With all that is going on I began to entertain these thoughts,

"ONE LOUSY BOX!  Just one lousy box!  He couldn't even take 10 minutes out of his time to go through his mail and stuff with one lousy box!  I even had to do everything in his desk!  Sure he put up all the new lights in the house and fixed things before he left, but most of those things were stuff HE wanted to do and felt needed to get get done to sell the house.  But the FEW things I asked him to do before he left - this box and desk - he didn't do.  Oh, I'm so mad!"

Suddenly, my son Josiah walks in and sees me write on my blog not knowing what was going on in my mind.  He asked me what I was doing as I began to type just the title of this new entry.  I turned around to him and said, "Never you mind!" and then he walked away sadly.

My heart was cold and then I realized what I had just done.  I just transferred my anger onto my innocent son!

Just then, before he even got a chance to shut the door, I called him back in.  I apologized and then told him the real reason for my anger.  I needed him to know that I wasn't angry at him, but at Daddy.  He understood and then left the room.

The reason I began to blog this is not to show my husband as irresponsible, because truth is he's one of the most trusted, reliable and responsible people I know - the real reason was to release my anger and to show my sin.

I know that if I write down how I feel, in black and white, then the Lord can reveal to me what He's trying to tell me.

I didn't know Satan was trying to take a stronghold of my mind until I wrote that 4th sentence, "Satan began taking a stronghold of my thoughts and anger began to rise up in me."  That sentence was from the Lord.  I could have stopped there and not continue to write because by this time I had a clear mind, but I chose to continue for any of you who might fall into the same trap.
2 Corinthians 10:5 is says, "
Casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
We CAN take a hold of angry thoughts and CHOOSE NOT to entertain them.  Pretend they are well known con-artists trying to get into your house and the Holy Spirit is your body guard.  Just ask the Holy Spirit to boot them out of the house of your mind, and he will if you first recognize them as the lies they really are.  However, in the times we are unable we can just ask our Holy Spirit Body guard, "Is this from God?"

Simple, right?

Not if you don't run to Jesus's right away when times like this come - and they WILL come.  We all are sinners living with each other and all of us fail the other person from time-to-time; it's just a fact of life.

"Dear Lord Jesus,
I'm sorry for the anger I had toward my dear, sweet husband.  Thank you for letting me see all that Michael HAS done for me and how wonderful he is.  Oh how I miss him.  Even now the enemy wants to bring in bad thoughts as we are away from each other.  By the power of your Holy Spirit, I will NOT give the enemy a foothold!  And Lord, please forgive me on the bad way I responded to my son.  Please forgive me and help me to recognize these negative thoughts as lies quickly in the near future.  Thank you for paying the price for me on the cross for my thoughts are wicked and your cleaning of my sins are true.  Thanks Jesus. Amen."

I feel much better now.  This is how most of this blog will be like.  Things of present and past that currently hurt or have hurt in the past will be written down for the world to see as to hopefully help someone in their lives.

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